Lectures and presentations
Media relations, media literacy and linguistic agency in digital environments among young signers

JYU experts related to activity

Is presenterYes

Activity details

Nature of eventPopular event

Name of eventDigital Research Data and Human Sciences

Presentation typeOther public presentation

Start date02/12/2022

End date02/12/2022



Media relations, media literacy and linguistic agency in digital environments among young signers

The research interests of my multidisciplinary PhD are focused on media education, applied linguistics and Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). The research examines how young signers and deaf/hard-of-hearing people use media in Finland and what is their linguistic agency in digital environments like. In this mixed-methods research (MMR) I use qualitative and quantitative data collecting methods among young people in the age group of 15-25 years, who use FinSL or some other signed language as their mother tongue. My research data will be multilingual (in FinSL and in Finnish or in Swedish).

So far, I have been defining the theoretical and conceptual framework of my research. I will start collecting data in March 2022. There are also ethnographic features in my research, since I am myself a researcher from a linguistic-cultural minority community. This community consist of 3000 ¬–5000 deaf people living in Finland, whose mother tongue is FinSL, Finnish-Swedish sign language or other signed languages. Both the community and the sign language in Finland are quite little studied. I translate young people’s signed narratives about their media use and their every-day digital environments into Finnish. I use a half-structured theme group-interview as my interview method. Interviews and group discussions will be held in Zoom video conferencing application and the discussions will be recorded. One of my goals is to create a safe digital place and a non-hierarchical situation for open discussions.

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Last updated on 2023-21-11 at 09:51