Lectures and presentations
Historical study of the evolution of trust in between CEOs of a family firm and institutional actors: 1868-1987
All experts: Professor Tanja Leppäaho, LUT University, Finland
Professor Kirsimarja Blomqvist, LUT University, Finland
Activity details
Nature of event: Scientific conference
Name of event: FINT Conference
Presentation type: Other public presentation
Start date: 15/06/2023
End date: 16/06/2023
Year: 2023
Follow-up groups: Marketing (School of Business and Economics JSBE) YMA; Sustainable Business and Economy (focus area) (School of Business and Economics JSBE) ; Formerly Responsible Business; School of Resource Wisdom (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.Wisdom
Profiling areas: School of Resource Wisdom (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.Wisdom