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Mapping the main streams and foci of competence-based education research: A review with direct citation network analysis and topic modelling with latent semantic analysis

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Kaikki asiantuntijatMannonen, Joonas; Urrutia, Felipe; Hämäläinen, Raija; Araya, Roberto; Lehesvuori, Sami

Aktiviteetin tiedot

Tapahtuman luonneTieteellinen konferenssi

Tapahtuman nimiEARLI SIG14 Conference 2024

EsitystyyppiMuu julkinen esitys




Competence-based education is a current and debated reform trend in education that affects millions of learners around the world. We present the first comprehensive overview of competence-based education research. We applied direct citation network analysis with mapping, clustering and visualization, topic modelling with latent semantic analysis, and careful qualitative screening to 1090 competence-based education journal articles to identify the main research streams and foci of this emerging research domain. We found three main streams: The Higher Education Stream, the Vocational and Professional Education Stream, and the General Education Stream. We present six research topics related to each of the research streams. We show that competence-based education is a highly fragmented research domain and discuss the implications of this finding for future research. The results of our study form a competence-based education research knowledge map that serves multiple purposes for researchers, policymakers and practitioners as discussed in the presentation.

SeurantakohteetDigitalization in and for learning and interaction (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.LearnDigiTyön ja johtamisen muuttuminen digitaalisessa ajassa (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) EWIDEOpettajien koulutuksen tutkimus (opetus, oppiminen, opettajuus, oppimispolut, koulutus) (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Edu; Aiemmin JYU.Ope


Viimeisin päivitys 2024-03-09 klo 16:03