Esitelmät ja esitykset
Reciprocal Interactions as Scaffoldings for Shared Emotional Experiences
Kaikki asiantuntijat: Rinne, Ida
Aktiviteetin tiedot
Tapahtuman luonne: Muu tieteellinen tapahtuma
Tapahtuman nimi: Shared Emotions and Emotions of Sharing: Variations of interpersonal experience
Esitystyyppi: Kutsuttu esitelmä tai keynote
Aloituspäivä: 09.11.2023
Vuosi: 2023
Workshop description:
Emotional connection with other people undoubtedly plays a crucial role both in our private and in our social life. Far from being exhausted by verbal exchange, our connection with others readily manifests itself in prelinguistic and non-representational layers of experience. Yet, the meaning of “shared emotions” and “emotional connection” remains ambiguous. The workshop, “Shared Emotions and Emotions of Sharing”, focuses on the relationship between these two notions. The presenters of the workshop deal with the following questions in particular: How is an emotional connection with others established and maintained? How can this feeling be compromised? Are shared emotional experiences a condition for an emotional connection with others – or is it the other way around? What is the role of concrete interactions and interactional practices in enabling and fostering the sense of emotional connection?
Emotional connection with other people undoubtedly plays a crucial role both in our private and in our social life. Far from being exhausted by verbal exchange, our connection with others readily manifests itself in prelinguistic and non-representational layers of experience. Yet, the meaning of “shared emotions” and “emotional connection” remains ambiguous. The workshop, “Shared Emotions and Emotions of Sharing”, focuses on the relationship between these two notions. The presenters of the workshop deal with the following questions in particular: How is an emotional connection with others established and maintained? How can this feeling be compromised? Are shared emotional experiences a condition for an emotional connection with others – or is it the other way around? What is the role of concrete interactions and interactional practices in enabling and fostering the sense of emotional connection?
Seurantakohteet: Hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Well
Profiloitumisalueet: Hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Well