315 Sport and fitness sciences
Parent area(s)
- Median rooli liikuntakulttuurin tasa-arvon edistämisessä ja seksuaalisen häirinnän vastaisessa työssä
- Ehrlén, Veera
- Department of Language and Communication Studies
- Kone Foundation
- Optimizing learning - synchrony of the brain and body as a tool?
- Nokia, Miriam
- Department of Psychology
- Research Council of Finland
- Optimising Youth Wellbeing, Learning, and Elite Development in Dual Career Environments
- Ryba, Tatiana
- Department of Psychology
- Ministry of Education and Culture
- Ecology of Dual Career - Exploring Dual Career Development Environments across Europe
- Ryba, Tatiana
- Department of Psychology
- European Commission
- Winning in the long run: Towards a psychosocial sustainability of dual careers
- Ryba, Tatiana
- Department of Psychology
- Ministry of Education and Culture