Social sciences
Parent area(s)
Subordinate area(s)
- MA course "Three Epochs of Cultural Policy in Soviet, Post-Soviet and Putin’s Russia" for ExpREES funding in 2024-2025
- Romashko, Tatiana
- Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Aleksanteri Institute (University of Helsinki)
- Polarisaatio ja poliittinen väkivalta: äärioikeiston väkivaltaiset narratiivit ja niiden tulkintakehykset
- Kotonen, Tommi
- Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Niilo Helander Foundation
- dialoguing@rts – Advancing Cultural Literacy for Social Inclusion through Dialogical Arts Education
- Nokkala, Terhi
- Finnish Institute for Educational Research
- European Commission
- Activation of a knowledge cluster for the sustainable use of peatland
- Aittola, Marko
- Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
- Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
- Competitive funding to strengthen universities’ research profiles. Profiling actions at the JYU, round 6
- Hämäläinen, Keijo
- University management and joint projects
- Research Council of Finland
- Kokkolan Kirkonmäen pappilan historian tallennus
- Hyttinen, Pertti
- Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
- Chydenius-Instituutin kannatusyhdistys ry
- Legitimacy of the United Nations and transnational challenges, 1990-2019
- Kronlund, Anna
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Kone Foundation
- Complaining mothers: affect, moral and politics of medicalization
- Mustosmäki, Armi
- Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Kone Foundation
- Management for multifunctionality in European forests in the era of bioeconomy
- Mönkkönen, Mikko
- Department of Biological and Environmental Science
- Research Council of Finland
- 16th International Conference on Minority Languages -konferenssi
- Laihonen, Petteri
- Centre for Applied Language Studies
- Federation of Finnish Learned Societies