Follow-up groups
Status: Public
Contains classes
- University-level communities
- Multidisciplinary follow-up groups
- Language Campus
- Emergent work in the digital era
- Decision analytics utilizing causal models and multiobjective optimization
- Multidisciplinary research on learning and teaching
- Multiliteracies for social participation and in learning across the life span
- Social Sustainability for Children and Families
- Behaviour change, health, and well-being across the lifespan
- Cyber security
- Accelerator and Subatomic Physics
- Physical activity through life span
- Active ageing and care
- Digitalization in and for learning and interaction
- Gerontology Research Center
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Applied Linguistics
- Finnish Network for Language Education Policies
- National Certificates of Language Proficiency
- Applied language studies
- English
- Ethnology
- Philosophy
- Traditions of Philosophical and Political Thought (focus area)
- Finnish University Partnership for International Development
- Policies and Politics of Welfare and Care (focus area)
- Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care
- Intercultural Communication
- Journalism
- International Development Studies
- Sustainable Societies (focus area)
- Literature
- Cultural Policy
- Museology
- Music, Mind and Technology
- Music Education
- Music Therapy
- Musicology
- Contemporary Culture
- Romance Philology
- Swedish
- German Language and Culture
- Social Work
- Sosiology
- Gender Studies
- Finnish Sign Language
- Finnish History
- Finnish
- Art History
- Art Education
- Economic History
- Political Science
- Russian Language and Culture
- Communication
- Social and Public Policy
- General History
- Faculty of Information Technology
- Cognitive Security Research Group
- Collective Intelligence
- Computing Education Research
- Empirical Software Engineering Research
- Human and Machine based Intelligence in Learning
- Human Perspectives in Cyber Security
- Remote Sensing and Green Technologies
- Cognitive Science
- Machine Learning
- Learning and Cognitive Sciences
- Computational Data Science
- Computational Science
- Multiobjective Optimization Group
- Quantum Information and Computation
- Secure Communications Engineering and Signal Processing
- Engineering
- Information Systems Science
- Degree Education
- Value Creation for Cyber-Physical Systems and Services
- Faculty of Education and Psychology
- Adult Education
- Digital Pedagogy
- Special Education
- Pre- and Early Childhood Education
- History and Social Studies
- Ilmiöperusteinen opetus
- Kasvatusfilosofia
- Kasvatuspsykologia
- Education
- Language Education
- Educational Leadership
- Cultural Studies
- Visual Arts
- Käsityökasvatus
- Physical Education
- General Upper Secondary Education
- Literacy
- Matematiikka ja luonnontieteet
- Multiculturalism
- Multiliteracy
- Music
- Ohjausala
- Initial Teacher Education
- Opettajien täydennyskoulutus
- Basic Education
- Psychology
- Finnish Language and Literature
- Finnish as a Second Language
- Technology Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Foreign Languages
- Interaction
- School of Business and Economics
- Avance EMBA
- Digital Business and Economy (focus area)
- Management and Leadership
- Commercial Law
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Policy-Relevant Economics and Competitiveness of Economy (focus area)
- Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- Economics
- Sustainable Business and Economy (focus area)
- Corporate Communication
- Corporate Environmental Management
- Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
- Faculty of Mathematics and Science
- Centre of Excellence in Quark Matter
- Particle physics
- Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics
- Materials Physics
- Physics Education
- Circular Economy
- Chemical Nanoscience
- Functional Molecules and Materials
- Konnevesi Research Station
- Sustainable Use of the Natural Resources
- Evolutionary research
- Biological Nanoscience
- Accelerator Laboratory
- Aquatic Sciences
- Analytical Chemistry
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Education
- Mathematics
- Nanoscience Center
- Organic Chemistry
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Statistics
- Environmental Science
- Independent institutes
- Languages
- Museum
- Library
- Finnish Institute for Educational Research
- The Unit of Health sciences
- Smart and sustainable solutions for industries
- The Unit of Applied Chemistry
- The Unit of Social Sciences
- Social inclusion and wellbeing services
- Learning and education
- Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
- The Unit of Business Studies
- The Unit of Education
- The Unit of Information Technology
- Open university (KYC)
Follow-up groups are used e.g. for recording publications and projects as well as in researcher profiles to to mark classification information relevant to the unit or university. Follow-up groups are based on e.g. study subjects, research centers, profiling areas and unit-specific research focus areas. Since 2 Apr 2024 most of the active follow-up groups in Converis are shown in public portal. Additional information in Converis guide.
Nb. some of the follow-up group -related information has been recorded in automated way without comprehensive content-based review. Therefore the data should be treated as indicative and not comparable between disciplines or between different profiling areas.In addition, person list related to the follow-up group may not be exhaustive.