Cyber security
Status: Public
Is profiling area: Yes
Profi1-follow-up group 1.4.2015-2019
Related organisational unit(s)
Publications and other outputs
Research activities
Follow-up groups are used e.g. for recording publications and projects as well as in researcher profiles to to mark classification information relevant to the unit or university. Follow-up groups are based on e.g. study subjects, research centers, profiling areas and unit-specific research focus areas. Since 2 Apr 2024 most of the active follow-up groups in Converis are shown in public portal. Additional information in Converis guide.
Nb. some of the follow-up group -related information has been recorded in automated way without comprehensive content-based review. Therefore the data should be treated as indicative and not comparable between disciplines or between different profiling areas.In addition, person list related to the follow-up group may not be exhaustive.