Finnish State Research Institutes
Contains organisations
- Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (Finnish State R...); amalgamated to VTT 1.1.2015; Finland
- Finnish Environment Institute SYKE SYKE (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Finnish Food Safety Authority EVIRA (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) (Finnish State R...); until 31.12.2014; Finland
- Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Finnish State R...); until 31.12.2014; Finland
- Finnish Geodetic Institute (Finnish State R...); amalgamated to NLS 1.1.2015; Finland
- Finnish Institute of International Affairs FIIA (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health TTL (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Geological Survey of Finland (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Government Institute for Economic Research VATT (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Institute for the Languages of Finland KOTUS (Finnish State R...); Finland
- MTT Agrifood Research Finland (Finnish State R...); until 31.12.2013; Finland
- National Board of Antiquities (Finnish State R...); Finland
- National Consumer Research Centre (Finnish State R...); integrated to HY 1.1.2015; Finland
- National Institute for Health and Welfare THL (Finnish State R...); Finland
- National Land Survey of Finland NLS (Finnish State R...); Finland
- Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke (Finnish State R...); since 1.1.2015; Finland
- STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK (Finnish State R...); Finland
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (Finnish State R...); Finland