Kone Foundation
Funders of research data
- Art, ecology and diverse human-nature relationship – towards a shared future: project dataset (2020-2022) (2023) Hiltunen, Kaisa; et al.
- Eating disorders and changes of agency: research materials; Penttilä, Anna
- Hoitoa sairaille mielille. Suomalaisen laitospsykiatrian hoitokäytänteet 1900-luvulla (2021) Rissanen, Anu
- My Nature Relationship survey 2020 (2023) Raatikainen, Kaisa; et al.
- Survey and interview forms (2020-2021) from the project Art, ecology, and diverse human nature relationship – towards a shared future (2023) Hiltunen, Kaisa; et al.
Research activities related to organisation
Main funder in project
- Assessing public perceptions of the global environmental crisis on social media
- Hausmann, Anna
- Kone Foundation
- Outo aktivismi demokratian mahdollisuutena ja ongelmana
- Kotonen, Tommi
- Kone Foundation
- Väliaikaisesta avysta sosiaaliturvan vakiintuneeksi jatkeeksi - suomalaisen ruoka-avun institutionalisoituminen
- Kauppinen, Vera
- Kone Foundation
- Vices and Nature: Historical and Philosophical Study on Moral Vices and Environmental Ethics
- Toivanen, Juhana
- Kone Foundation
- Kiltti isoveli ohjaa ja valvoo? Oppilaan kokemus arvioinnista yläkoulussa
- Ketonen, Laura
- Kone Foundation
- Science and learning experiences: the unknown diversity of forest microbial communities and their importance for us and other species
- Koskela, Esa
- Kone Foundation
- Trust and mistrust in grant receivers' and self-employeds' encounters with officials and in public discussion concerning them.
- Talaskivi, Katri
- Kone Foundation
- Ecology and ethics in mire forest restoration: adequate goals and effective strategies (SuoMet)
- Elo, Merja
- Kone Foundation
- The effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on plants.
- Nevala, Jasmin
- Kone Foundation
- My depressed ass laughing at memes: multimodal analysis on representation of mental health and illness in internet memes
- Karjalainen, Reeta
- Kone Foundation