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Liikuntabiologian laitos (yhdistynyt LTK:aan 1.1.2017)
Julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- 100 m juoksun lajianalyysi ja valmennuksen ohjelmointi (2016) Mero, Antti; D2
- 400 m juoksun lajianalyysi ja valmennuksen ohjelmointi (2016) Mero, Antti; et al.; D2
- Acute effects of exercise under different levels of blood-flow restriction on muscle activation and fatigue (2016) Fatela, Pedro; et al.; A1
- Acute Effects of Loaded Half-Squat Jumps on Sprint Running Speed in Track and Field Athletes and Soccer Players (2016) Vanderka, Marián; et al.; A1
- Acute Endocrine and Force Responses and Long-Term Adaptations to Same-Session Combined Strength and Endurance Training in Women (2016) Eklund, Daniela; et al.; A1; OA
- Addition of strength training to off-road cyclists training : A pilot study (2016) Ruiz, Javier Botella; et al.; A1; OA
- A descriptive video analysis of classified Nordic disabled sit-skiers during the Nordic World Championships 2013 (2016) Schillinger, F.; et al.; A4
- Adiposity, physical activity and neuromuscular performance in children (2016) Haapala, Eero; et al.; A1; OA
- Adverse Cardiovascular Response to Aerobic Exercise Training : Is This a Concern? (2016) Leifer, Eric S.; et al.; A1
- Aerodynamics of Ski Jumping (2016) Virmavirta, Mikko; B2
- Alakoululaisilla vain 30 minuuttia liikuntaa viikossa? (2016) Finni Juutinen, Taija; D1
- A simple mechanical model for simulating cross-country skiing, skating technique (2016) Bruzzo, John; et al.; A1
- Assessment of Heart Rate Variability Thresholds from Incremental Treadmill Tests in Five Cross-Country Skiing Techniques (2016) Mendia-Iztueta, Ibai; et al.; A1; OA
- Bilateral deficit in maximal force production (2016) Škarabot, Jakob; et al.; A1
- Biomechanical analysis of different starting strategies utilized during cross-country skiing starts (2016) Wiltman, Victor Wennemar; et al.; A1
- Branched-Chain Amino Acid Levels Are Related with Surrogates of Disturbed Lipid Metabolism among Older Men (2016) Kujala, Urho; et al.; A1; OA
- CHI3L1 : a novel myokine (2016) Kainulainen, Heikki; B1
- Commentary on viewpoint: Time for a new metric for hypoxic dose? (2016) Peltonen, Juha E.; et al.; B1
- Contribution of Sport Science to Performance : Nordic Skiing (2016) Linnamo, Vesa; et al.; A3
- Corticospinal and transcallosal modulation of unilateral and bilateral contractions of lower limbs (2016) Škarabot, Jakob; et al.; A1