Department of Language and Communication Studies
Publications and other outputs
- Algorithmic management of crowdworkers : Implications for workers’ identity, belonging, and meaningfulness of work (2024) van Zoonen, Ward; et al.; A1; OA
- An Ode to the “Volunteer” : University of Jyväskylä's Internationalization Success... Or Is It? (2024) Salam-Salmaoui, Rauha; O4; OA
- Anticipation as Platform Power : The Temporal Structuring of Digital Everyday Life (2024) Koivunen, Anu; et al.; A1; OA
- A qualitative study on identity work and positioning of a Swedish-speaking Finn in the Swiss diaspora (2024) Rosenberg, Jessica; A1; OA
- Arviointiuudistuksen alkutaipaleella : perusopetuksen päättöarviointitutkimuksen loppuraportti (2024) Pulkkinen, Jonna; et al.; D4; OA; 978-952-263-723-9
- Attitudes to Linguistic Accuracy Among Russian-Speaking Social Media Users (2024) Zvereva, Vera; A3; 978-1-003-03402-5
- Barbie Votes for Bolsonaro : How an Instagram Account Satirized the Brazilian Middle and Upper Classes (2024) Sawczuk da Silva, Ulisses A.; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-68340-411-8
- Between bodily action and conventionalized structure : The neural mechanisms of constructed action in sign language comprehension (2024) Hernández, Doris; et al.; A1; OA
- Bridging the Gap : Revisiting Dynamics of Physical and Perceived Proximity in Multilocational Work (2024) Van Zoonen, Ward; et al.; A4
- Capability of monitoring mediascapes in 14 European countries : An Introduction (2024) Lauk, Epp; et al.; A3; OA; 978-9916-27-460-6
- Care workers in elder care : the Four Flows of constituting care organisations on social media (2024) Levonius, Vilja; et al.; A1; OA
- Changes in an early childhood education and care teacher’s practical theory in language pedagogy as a nexus : The interplay of factors affecting the change (2024) Palojärvi, Anu; et al.; A1; OA
- Communicative Tensions in Remote Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2024) Suortti, Camilla; et al.; A1; OA
- Conceptualising transformative language teaching for sustainability and why it is needed (2024) Maijala, Minna; et al.; A1
- Configuring interactional space in interpreter-mediated deaf-hearing interaction in mobile task transitions (2024) Laine, Minttu; A1; OA
- Connecting chronotopes and language ideologies : Educator views on migrants’ majority language use in vocational education (2024) Puranen, Pauliina; A1; OA
- Constructing Identities in a Diverse School Setting : From Finnish Learners to Multilingual Experts (2024) Rantanen, Venla; A1; OA
- Constructing the 'New Worker-Self' : Discursive Strategies in 'English Works!' Program brochures within the Pakistani Education System (2024) Ali, Rukhsana; et al.; A1; OA
- Counter-Denunciations : How Suspects Blame Victims in Police Interviews for Low-Level Crimes (2024) Ferraz de Almeida, Fabio; A1; OA
- Creating early language education affordances in two pre-primary education classrooms (2024) Koivula, Merja; et al.; A1; OA
- Professional multiliteracies in increasing safety at construction work
- Sulkunen, Sari
- Finnish Work Environment Fund
- Dissertation: "Extremist terrorism and the discursive construction of victimhood in German societal debate"
- Ylä-Mattila, Anna-Maija
- Ellen and Artturi Nyyssönen Foundation
- Ephemerality and visuality in social media news content
- Ehrlén, Veera
- The Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland
- Generative Technologies in Communicative Organizing
- Lindholm, Kaisa
- Research Council of Finland
- Opetushallituksen lyhyet opetusvierailut syksy 2024 Uumajan yliopisto
- Ronkainen, Reetta
- Finnish National Agency for Education
- Redesigning Early Foreign Language Learning through Multilitercies
- Mård-Miettinen, Karita
- Research Council of Finland
- Game-based learning of Swedish as a second language
- Kuronen, Mikko
- Svenska Kulturfonden
- 9th research seminar of the Language & Work research network: Navigating discourses and practices of
employability- Strömmer, Maiju
- Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
- Finishing a dissertation about peer interaction around and via technology in classrooms.
- Vänttinen, Minttu
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Dissertation: "Extremist terrorism and the construction of victimhood in German societal debate"
- Ylä-Mattila, Anna-Maija
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
Home organisation of research data
- AHJO: A qualitative investigation of well-being among staff at a Finnish university using art-inspired methodology, including workshops and individual interviews (2024) Perkins, Marc; et al.
- AHJO methods: Prompts and other communications used in the AHJO project's artistic qualitative investigation into factors affecting the well-being of staff at a Finnish university. (2024) Perkins, Marc; et al.
- Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (version 2015) (2023) Salonen, Juhana
- Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (version 2015) (2023) Salonen, Juhana
- Crossing Borders – Artistic Practices in Performing and Narrating Belonging: project data (2024) Pöyhönen, Sari; et al.
- Cultural-historical research on Saami book collections: database; Capdeville, Sophie Alix
- Dataset from the IKI-project (2021) Palojärvi, Anu; et al.
- FORTHEM Multilingualism Lab Citizen Science research data; Honko, Mari; et al.
- Project data of ShowTell - EEG material (2023) Jantunen, Tommi; et al.
- Project data of ShowTell – Finnish Sign Language MoCap corpus (2022) Jantunen, Tommi; et al.
Funders of research data
- Aarnio, Camilla
- Ahosola, Otso
- Alapuranen, Marjo-Leea
- Barrett, Elena
- De Weerdt, Danny
- D'hondt, Sigurd
- Dufva, Hannele
- Ehrlén, Veera
- Enbuska, Marja
- Ennser-Kananen, Johanna
- Fuchs, Bertold
- Haapanen, Lauri
- Hahn, Judit
- Heinonen, Henna
- Hernández Barros, Doris
- Hoyer, Karin
- Höylä, Helena
- Iikkanen, Päivi
- Ikonen, Pasi
- Jantunen, Jarmo Harri