Other non-Finnish research organization
Contains organisations
- 4D Mathematics and Science Creativity Institute (Other non-Finni...); Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
- Aarhus University Hospital (Other non-Finni...); Denmark
- Academic Medicine Research Institute AMRI (Other non-Finni...); Singapore
- Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science AMSS (Other non-Finni...); China: Beijing
- Academy of Romanian Scientists (Other non-Finni...); Romania
- Academy of Scientific Research and Technology ASRT (Other non-Finni...); Egypt
- Adaptative Mechanisms & Evolution MECADEV (Other non-Finni...); France
- Addenbrooke's Hospital (Other non-Finni...); United Kingdom: England
- Addiction Switzerland, Research Institute (Other non-Finni...); Switzerland
- Advanced Research on the Biology of Tree and Forest Ecosystems ARBRE (Other non-Finni...); France
- Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Other non-Finni...); Japan
- Advanced Technology Center for Aging Research, INRCA-IRCCS (Other non-Finni...); Italy
- Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International ATR (Other non-Finni...); Japan
- African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Other non-Finni...); South Africa
- Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía (Other non-Finni...); Spain: Andalusia
- Aging Research Center (ARC) ARC (Other non-Finni...); Sweden
- Agricultural Research for Development CIRAD (Other non-Finni...); France
- Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute AFBI (Other non-Finni...); United Kingdom: Northern Ireland
- Agrocampus Ouest (Other non-Finni...); France
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFOSR (Other non-Finni...); United States: Virginia