Niina Mykrä

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General description

I am a researcher of environmental and dustainability education in the Finnish Institution for Educational Research, in Eco-social sustainability and education (ESSE) -team. My main reaearch interest is a possibility of change as a systemic, multilevel phenomenon on different educational levels, and a part of lifelong learning.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Currently we study in ECF4CLIM project sustainability competences and the change on different levels of education. The focus is both in the individual and collective sustainability competences. One of the main theories we use is the theory of Practice Architectures (Kemmis). I take part also in other sustainable education projects of Eco-social sustainability and education (ESSE) team.

In my previous research, I focused on ecological sustainability of Finnish comprehensive schools. I studied steering documents, curriculum, dilemmas in everyday practices and development from sustainability point of view. My theoretical framework was cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) and theory of expansive learning (Engeström).

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

sustainability education, environmental education, systems thinking, school change, cultural change

Keywords (YSO)

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2023-18-12 at 10:14