Risqo Wahid

General description

Risqo is a Doctoral Researcher in the Marketing Department, University of Jyväskylä, Finland and also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Marketing in Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Indonesia. Risqo has obtained funding from various foundations and governmental institutions, such as Finland Doctoral Fellowship (funding for the four-year doctoral study), Business Finland, Erasmus+, Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, American Marketing Association, and the Indonesian government (i.e., the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia). In the master’s degree level, Risqo teaches Digital Marketing Communication (in University of Jyväskylä), while in the bachelor’s degree level Risqo is a lecturer in the courses of Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing, and Marketing Seminar (in Universitas Indo Global Mandiri). Risqo also has coached his students to win business plan competition and poetry writing competition in a national level in Indonesia. Outside of academia, Risqo is a Professional Certified Marketer–Content Marketing (certified by American Marketing Association) and he has been working with several businesses to achieve their marketing objectives.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Risqo’s research interests revolve around digital and social media marketing. In particular, he studies social media content marketing, social media ads, and consumer behaviour on social media. Additionally, due to the advent of generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT, Midjourney, and HeyGen), Risqo begins to explore the roles of generative AI in content marketing. Methodologically, Risqo uses both quantitative (e.g., online experiments, lab experiments, and content analysis) and qualitative methods in his scholarly works. Risqo has published his research in Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, and Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, among others. He also actively presents his works in key marketing and information systems conferences, such as American Marketing Association Academic Conference, AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, GAMMA Global Marketing Conference, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and Finnish Academy of Marketing Annual Conference.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

social media marketing; digital marketing; content marketing; generative AI

Projects as Team Member

      • LuckGeoffrey
    • Business Finland

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-03-06 at 15:01