Marc Perkins

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General description

Marc Perkins is a project researcher with the Higher Education Studies Team at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, where he specializes in researching higher education leadership.  

In addition to a masters’ degree in educational sciences from the University of Jyväskylä, Marc holds a masters’ degree in biology.  Before moving to Finland, Marc worked as a Professor of Biological Sciences for nearly 20 years at Orange Coast College, a community college in California, USA.  At Orange Coast College Marc was the lead instructor for the introductory organismal biology lecture and lab course targeted to students planning to obtain a degree in biology. 

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Research interests

Marc Perkins specializes in researching higher education leadership. Marc’s current research focuses on investigating crisis leadership at Finnish higher education organizations nationwide along with qualitatively investigating factors that affect the well- and ill-being of higher education employees in Finland.

As a researcher Marc uses primarily qualitative techniques, exploring the richness that is often missed in traditional quantitative surveys. For example, when researching well-being Marc asks participants to take pictures, write journals, or create artwork to help facilitate rich reflections about this sensitive topic.

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:27