Juha-Antti Lamberg
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General description
Juha-Antti Lamberg is a Professor of Strategy at the University of Jyväskylä. His research has focused on strategy, the history of strategy, and industry evolution. He has published research in the Academy of Management Review, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, the Business History, and other leading journals in the field. Professor Lamberg is an invited member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
Active JYU affiliations
- School of Business and Economics, Professor
Research interests
I study strategy and its history in various temporal and local contexts: in companies, industries, and societies. My research on the processes that lead to destruction and uncontrollable outcomes broadly benefits the global research communities in economic history, strategy, and economics.
Fields of science
Follow-up groups
Personal keywords
Strategy, business history, industry evolution
Projects as Principal investigator
- Non-events in strategy and business history
- Research Council of Finland
- Non-Action in Strategic Management: Theory and Practical Implications
- Vuorineuvos Tekn. ja Kauppat.tri h.c. Marcus Wallenbergin Liiketaloudellinen Tutkimussäätiö
- Learning from the past for the future:
A historical perspective on industrial and strategic change- Research Council of Finland
- When industrial clusters stop growing: Reverse path dependence and negative entropy
- Research Council of Finland
Projects as Team Member
- Nationalism and national identity in and around business organizations: History-informed perspectives for management research
- Stutz, Christian
- Research Council of Finland
- Executive Education as Strategy Practice: Lessons from History and Prospects for the Future
- Kansikas, Juha
- Research Council of Finland