Geoffrey Luck

Henkilökunnan yhteystiedot saatavilla yliopiston yhteystietohausta.


Dr Geoff Luck is a Senior Researcher in Musicology in the Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies (MACS) and Assoc. Prof. (Docent) of Experimental Psychology in the Faculty of Education and Psychology. Geoff holds a PhD in Psychology and has extensive expertise in quantifying and predicting how we process music, especially via movement and embodiment. His teaching responsibilities encompass a wide range of courses, including music psychology, neuroscience, and research methods. Geoff has led successful externally-funded projects including The Kinematics and Dynamics of Musical Communication (Academy of Finland, 2008-2013) and Gigbuds (TEKES, 2013-2015), and currently leads The Rhythm of Life (Research Council of Finland, 2023-2027) and Audission (Business Finland, 2024- 2025) projects. He is an Executive Module Leader in the Research Council of Finland-funded Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain (2022-2029), Chair of the Joint Seminar on Music, Sport and Health, Faculty representative of the Jyväskylä Brain and Mind consortium, and a Mentor on both the JYU Tenure Track and MACS Postdoc mentorship programmes. 

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:10