Tatiana Ryba

Henkilökunnan yhteystiedot saatavilla yliopiston yhteystietohausta.



Dr. Tatiana V. Ryba is an interdisciplinary scholar who employs critical psychology, sport psychology, cultural praxis, transnationalism, cultural developmental psychology, and feminist theorizing to address pressing challenges impacting the life course development of athletes. Her primary objective is to co-produce knowledge that is locally relevant and globally reflexive. Currently, she holds research and teaching positions in the Department of Psychology and the Methodology Centre for Human Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Dr. Ryba obtained her Ph.D. in sport studies with a dual emphasis on sport psychology and cultural studies from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Since 2011, she has been a docent in cultural sport and exercise psychology at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of this university.

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Dr. Ryba leads the Winning in the Long Run research group, which critically examines the life course of talented youth athletes from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. The group's research delves into the psychosocial development of the athletes, spanning from upper secondary school to beyond graduation, with a keen focus on uncovering the vulnerabilities and resilience of their dual career projects. Recently, the research group has expanded its scope to encompass the multifaceted challenges faced by young adults, including professional development, relationships, and parenting, all within the complex sociocultural contexts that shape their experiences. The overarching goal of this research is to challenge and dismantle patriarchal myths that perpetuate inequalities within the sporting realm. By empowering youth athletes and promoting reflexive learning, the research group aims to disrupt dominant narratives and raise coach awareness about the systemic barriers that hinder the holistic development of young athletes. Furthermore, the research findings provide crucial empirical evidence to national stakeholders, facilitating knowledge integration in policy-making processes in Finland and advocating for more equitable and inclusive practices within the sporting space.



Omat asiasanat

Sport, culture, gender, life course, qualitative research

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:10