Tiina Parviainen

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ORCID linkhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6992-5157

X (formerly Twitter) handlehttps://twitter.com/ParviainenTiina

LinkedIn addresshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/tiina-parviainen-93004543/

General description

I am an associate professor of neuroscience at the Department of Psychology, and a director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR) at the University of Jyväskylä. I did my Ph.D. studies at Aalto University (former Helsinki University of Technology) and received my Ph.D. at the University of Jyväskylä in 2007. After my Ph.D., I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Oxford Center for Human Brain Activity, Oxford University. Since 2011, I have been at the University of Jyväskylä, coordinating the establishment of an interdisciplinary neuroscience center and leading the strategic profiling area of 'Brain Development Across the Life Span'. 

My research group utilizes MEG, EEG (f)MRI, and physiological recordings to study central and autonomic nervous system phenomena that contribute to individual experience and cognitive performance, especially during development.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

My research aims to enhance the interpretability of brain imaging measures to advance neuroscience knowledge, particularly in developmental, educational and clinical contexts. Currently, I focus on neuroimaging markers of cortical plasticity and circuitry dynamics that underlie behavioral changes, both during development and in adults. I also investigate the interactions between the body and brain systems and the impact of this interaction on individual experience and behavioral capacity, both in short- and long-term scenarios. Ultimately, my research contributes to a deeper understanding of individual and developmental variations in neuroscience.

Fields of science

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Personal keywords

neuroimaging, magnetoencephalography, electroencephalography, brain development, developmental plasticity, autonomic nervous system, body-brain interaction, individual variation

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:10