Teppo Kröger

General description

Professor of Social and Public Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the University of Jyväskylä.

Director of the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare).

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

In his research, Teppo Kröger analyses care policy from local, comparative and global perspectives. His studies have focused on, for example, social care for older people, integration of formal and informal care, conditions of care work and reconciliation of caring and paid employment. In his work he integrates different theoretical and empirical approaches from social policy, social gerontology, disability studies, family sociology and governance studies. He has drafted new conceptual perspectives for the analysis of care policy, including the concepts of welfare municipality, weak universalism, dedomestication, demographic panic, care capital and care poverty.

Teppo Kröger supervises doctoral theses that analyse social policies of ageing, care, disability, family and childhood. At the moment, he is supervising the following PhD students: Mari Aholainen, Tuulikki Alanko, Salla Era, Matti Kajaste, Youngbin Kwon, Liliya Martynova, Pauliina Puurtinen and Anne Vienovirta. His students have been awarded for the Best PhD Thesis of the University of Jyvaskylä (Helena Hirvonen, 2014) and the Best Master Thesis in Social Policy in Finland (Emilia Leinonen, 2014 and Mikko Myllymäki, 2020). Recent PhD theses finished under his supervision include those by Soili Vento, Jiby Mathew Puthenparambil, Tiina Sihto, Paula Vasara, Emilia Leinonen and Sher-E Khoda.

Teppo Kröger has evaluated the merits of applicants for Professor and Lecturer positions in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom and research proposals in Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and for the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grants) and the Open Research Area for the Social Sciences (ORA). He has been a pre-examiner and faculty opponent of PhD theses in universities in Finland, Sweden, Norway and New Zealand. He is an editorial board member of the International Journal of Care and Caring and the Nordic Journal of Social Research and for book series of De Gruyter and Policy Press. He has been a referee for over 35 academic journals as well as for Palgrave Macmillan and Policy Press.

Teppo Kröger is a member of the scientific committee of the Transforming Care Network (TCN) and a member of scientific advisory boards of several research projects (SOLDEX/Finland, INNOVCARE/France, LeTs-Care/Italy, CollAGE/Sweden, ASCK-WELL/the UK). Together with Dr Nic Brimblecombe from the LSE, he co-ordinates the 'Unmet Needs, Inequalities and Care Poverty' (UNICAP) research network. He is a regularly invited speaker in national and international conferences and seminars and an expert consulted frequently by policy-makers and the media. He is also the chair of the organising committee of the 7th Transforming Care Conference that will be organised in Helsinki 25-27 June 2025.

Teppo Kröger is the recipient of the 2024 Nordic Prize in Gerontology (the Sohlberg Prize). As well, he has received the ’UNO of the Year – All-rounder of Science’ (Finnish Union of University Professors, Jyväskylä chapter, 2021) and the Science Communication Act of the Year (University of Jyväskylä Foundation, 2019) awards.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

care, social care, long-term care, social policy, ageing, older people, disability, comparative research, care poverty, welfare municipality, demographic panic, dedomestication, weak universalism

Projects as Principal investigator

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-09-09 at 21:06