Tuomas Kari

No active affiliation

Research interests

My research on the use of IS/IT in the area of physical activity, health and wellbeing is a current and important research topic. The impact beyond academia reaches various stakeholders of the society. The benefits are valuable from the designers and providers in the industry to the healthcare sector.

My research interest is the use of technology in everyday life, especially in the context of health and wellness. Topics of research include exergames, exergaming, sports-, health-, and wellness technology, self-tracking, information systems usage, user behaviour, adoption and diffusion, gamification, and eSports.

Fields of science

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Personal keywords

information systems science, exergames, exergaming, sports technology, health technology, wellness technology, self-tracking, information systems usage, user behaviour, adoption and diffusion, gamification, eSports

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:11