Tiina Kemppainen
Contact search available for JYU staff members. ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4623-1918 |
General description
Tiina Kemppainen got her Doctor of Science (Econ.) degree in 2020. She also holds a Bachelor's degree in Design. Her research focuses on consumer behavior, customer experience, and digital services.
Kemppainen has worked on several research projects at the University of Jyväskylä, including:
- METAyCX, ongoing (2024-2026), Faculty of Information Technology
- DAWN; Data analytics-based customer understanding in multi-channel service environments, 2021-2023, Faculty of Information Technology
- TRIP; Data Analytics Based Internationalisation Concepts of Electronic Commerce Solutions, 2017-2019, Faculty of Information Technology
- DigiConsumers, 2020, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Gateway to Mercury Business, 2017-2018, Faculty of Information Technology
- Digi50+, 2015-2016, School of Business and Economics
Areas of Interest
Customer experience, Consumer behavior, Services, Service design
- YMAA2110 Customer Behavior (Asiakaskäyttäytyminen)
- YMAA2240 Service Design (Palvelumuotoilu)
- YMAA2130 Marketing Management (Markkinoinnin johtaminen)
- YMAA1920 Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (Aineopintojen seminaarityöskentely ja tutkielma)
- YMAS1930 Master's Thesis Seminar (Syventävien opintojen seminaari)
- YTTP1120 Introduction to Marketing (Finnish)
- YTTP2120 Introduction to Marketing (English)
Active JYU affiliations
- School of Business and Economics, Senior Lecturer
Previous, inactive or other affiliations
- School of Business and Economics (University of Jyväskylä), University Teacher, Ended
Fields of science
Follow-up groups
Projects as Principal investigator
- Customer experience formation in e-commerce
- Foundation for Economic Education