Jukka Pellinen

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ORCID linkhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8328-7136

General description

Jukka Pellinen is Professor of Management Accounting and the Head of Accounting and Commercial Law.

He earned his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Jyväskylä (1997). Previous academic positions were held as acting professor at Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (Pori, 1996–1997), visiting researcher at the TU Dresden (1997–1998), acting professor at the University of Lapland (1998–2000) and acting professor at the University of Oulu (2000–2004). Prof. Pellinen has served as the Dean of the JSBE (2008–2013), the Chair of the ABS Finland (2013) and in several other positions of trust. During his deanship the school was shaped on the path of international accreditations.

The focus of my research and teaching interests lies in two areas: a) Management accounting change, particularly innovation in accounting ICT and new ways of organizing accounting, and b) Public sector reforms, particularly the role of accounting in New Public Management and Performance Management in public services (e.g. healthcare, higher education, corporate taxation).

Research Areas

Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting

Current themes I am working on include: risk management in municipality sector; university accounting; private equity and growth firms; cooperative compliance in taxation; ethics in management accounting; sustainability accounting; strategising; business intelligence.


  • YLAS1110 Laskentatoimen teoria ja etiikka (accounting theory and ethics)
  • YLAS2110 Strateginen johdon laskentatoimi (strategic management accounting)
  • YLAS1910 Syventävien opintojen seminaari (master’s thesis seminar)

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Organisaatiorakenne, kustannuslaskenta, suoritusmittaus tai tulosohjaus voivat olla hyvin tai huonosti suunniteltuja ja toteutettuja. Tutkimukseni laskentajärjestelmien suunnittelusta ja käytöstä auttaa parantamaan organisaatioiden tehokkuutta. Tärkeää tämä on heille, jotka vastaavat organisaation tuloksellisuudesta.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Projects as Principal investigator

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:11