Susanna Paloniemi

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General description

I am Susanna Paloniemi (PhD, Education) and I work as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Educational Sciences. My expertise areas include professional identity, agency, emotions and learning in work contexts, learning in late adulthood, development in working life and research methodologies.Teaching and supervision of Master's and PhD students, along with administrative and developmental tasks in the areas of education, research, and societal interaction are part of my work. I have conducted research in various work contexts, especially in health care and education, utilizing multiple research methodologies. I work as a reviewer in several Finnish and international scientific journals, and have edited compiled books with my colleagues (e.g. Agency at Work; Research Methods in Professional Learning and Development). I am a member of editorial board of Vocations and Learning -journal, work as a reviewer in several Finnish and international journals, and participate actively in research networks (e.g. EARLI and RWL).  

Active JYU affiliations

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Research interests

My research focuses on the areas of adult education and working life studies, main interest being in learning in adulthood, especially in work contexts. I have studied learning at work especially via professional identity and agency, inter-professional work and leadership, and emotions. This I have done by utilizing various methodologies such as ethnographic research, surveys, and physiological measures. My scientific publications consist of research articles and edited compiled book in the area of professional learning and development, working life studies and organizational development. I am an active member of international research networks, such as EARLI and RWL.

Fields of science

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Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-26-04 at 09:50