Jari Eilola
Contact search available for JYU staff members. ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1546-4097 |
General description
Olen historian yliopistotutkija ja mentaliteettihistorian dosentti. Toimin myös Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden tutkimusverkoston (HYTTI) johtajana.
Active JYU affiliations
- Department of History and Ethnology, Senior Researcher
Previous, inactive or other affiliations
- Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (University of Jyväskylä), Part-Time Teacher, Ended
Research interests
Tutkin suomalaisen perheväkivallan, erityisesti henkirikollisuuden historiaa 1800- ja 1900-luvuilla. Kysymys on tasa-arvon, ihmisarvon ja yhteiskunnallisten arvojen kehittymisen tutkimuksesta, jossa haetaan keinoja nyky-Suomessakin vakavan sosiaalisen ongelman syvällisempään ymmärtämiseen ja ratkaisemiseen.
Fields of science
Follow-up groups
Projects as Principal investigator
- Interpersonal Violence Interventions: Social and Cultural Perspectives
- Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
- Interpersonal Violence Interventions - Social and Cultural Perspectives
- Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
- Shameful Disharmony of Family Life: Domestic Violence, 1890-1930 (research costs/2)
- Research Council of Finland
- Mental Illness and Social Class: A Study of the Role of Social Inequality in Nordic Mental Health Research from the 1950s to the 2000s
- The Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (NOS-HS)
- Shameful Disharmony of Family Life: Domestic Violence in Finland 1890-1930
- Research Council of Finland