Marjo Vallittu

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ORCID link

General description

Information specialist in Open Science Centre (OSC), in teaching team.

Tasks include teaching e.g. information seeking, research data management, open science and research and artificial intelligence in sport and health sciences. Also coordinating and teaching research courses in OSC. Teaching assignments include also open education, especially open education resources, in JYU, nationally and internationally in Liber. Is also Finlands' member in the Nordic Committee for Sport Libraries, Norsib.

Dissertation research (Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies) focuses on the intermediality of literature, especially narrativity and time structures in film adaptations.

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

Inspector Palmu novels and films are a unique adaptation entity in Finland. Researching time and time structures of the narration opens the complex adaptation process and development of the Finnish detective story series. This gives more information about these Palmu works but also about the theories of literature and film research.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

adaptation; film adaptations; intermediality; Waltari, Mika; Kassila, Matti; open research; open education; open educational resources

Keywords (YSO)

Projects as Principal investigator

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:13