Noona Kiuru

Henkilökunnan yhteystiedot saatavilla yliopiston yhteystietohausta.



Longitudinal studies and intervention studies are central foci of my research which aims to understand developmental phenomena by identifying risk factors, and promotive, and protective factors. My research briefly under the following two broader categories: 1) longitudinal research on learning, well-being and interpersonal relationships, and 2) preventive interventions to support psychological well-being. An important feature of my research is the use of both long-term longitudinal and intensive situational data, and up-to-date statistical analysis e.g., structural equation modeling techniques including both variable oriented and person-oriented methods such as mixture models. I have also led an interdisciplinary research group combining expertise drawing from developmental psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, computer sciences, gamification, and game-based graphic design aiming to develop and investigate efficacy of technology-enhanced preventive interventions to support adolescents’ psychological well-being and life-planning.

Projects and research groups

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    Omat asiasanat

    children and adolescents; relationships with peers, parents, and teachers; learning and learning difficulties; motivation, well-being; learning-related emotions; psycho-physiological states and reactions in learning situations; temperament and individual differences; educational transitions; psychological interventions; methodological issues

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    Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:13