Merja Koivula

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General description

Currently, I work as a is a senior lecturer in early childhood education at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Department of Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I have been awarded PhD degree in education 2010 from University of Jyväskylä. I received title of docent from Faculty of Education and Psychology, Jyväskylä 2022. The area of my docentship is early childhood education, particularly social-emotional learning. My research themes include children's and educators' social-emotional learning, early childhood education pedagogy, and play. I'm also interested in bilingual pedagogy, language aware pedagogy, use of digital technologies in early childhood education and leadership in early childhood education. My teaching responsibilites include teaching students doing their master's degree in early chilhdood education, and supervising master's and PhD thesis.

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Research interests

My research is founded on the pedagogy of early childhood education and the development of young children, especially to themes relating to children's social-emotional skills. Currently my research is focused on the supporting of children's social-emotional competence and the pedagogical use of digital technologies in the context of early childhood education and care. These both themes are essential to the personnel in the day care centres as well as to researchers in the field of early childhood education

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:13