Kaija Collin

General description

I am Associate Professor, PhD, Kaija Collin and work at the University of Jyväskylä, Department of Education, Finland. My research interests focus on workplace learning and organizational learning, professional identity and agency, inter-professional work practices, creativity and leadership and professional development and HRD in various organizational contexts (technical knowledge work and hospitals) mainly with the help of qualitative methodology. I have widely published internationally and nationally and have wide experience as a reviewer and editor of the variety of journals in the fields of adult education, HRD, leadership and workplace learning. I also have a long experience in supervising master and doctoral students.

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Research interests

My research areas and publications include workplace learning, professional identity and agency, interprofessional learning, HR work and leadership supporting learning and creativity, sustainable learning and well-being. At the moment, my research interests are focused on the relationship between workplace learning and well-being. I am a member of editorial boards of HRDQ, Vocations and Learning, NJWLS and Merits.

Fields of science

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Projects as Principal investigator

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Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:13