Elina Laanto

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ORCID linkhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4172-3128

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Research interests

My research revolves around phage-bacterium interactions. I am interested in the impact and diversity of bacterial virus in our biosphere. Continuously growing evidence suggests that phages play a major role for example in the global biogeochemical nutrient cycles. However due to the unfathomable abundance of phages, our understanding of their true impact is limited. Currently my research focuses in the unexplored biology of huge phages (phages with large virion and long genome, also known as megaphages) from boreal fresh waters. The overarching aim in my research is to bring ecological realism to the phage-host interactions as our knowledge on microbial interactions during unfavorable conditions is very limited, although such conditions are frequently found in natural environments.

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:14