Mari Harald
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Active JYU affiliations
- Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Project Manager
Follow-up groups
Projects as Principal investigator
- Developing digital skills for work coordination in remote work
- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of North Ostrobothnia
- Science Meets Business in Kokkola -seminaarisarja
- Foundation for Economic Education
- KOE Keski-Pohjanmaa -hanke / Kasvun, Osaamisen ja Elinvoiman Keski-Pohjanmaa - hanke
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Science Meet Business Kokkola -seminar
- Foundation for Economic Education
Projects as Team Member
- Keski-Pohjanmaan Osaamisen VerkostoVisio
- Aittola, Marko
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Developing digital skills for work coordination in remote work
- Harald, Mari
- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of North Ostrobothnia
- Interregional change and growth program: business networks and services as an engine of vitality and effective change
- Aittola, Marko
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Paikkariippumaton työ Keski-Pohjanmaalla (PARI) -esiselvitys
- Kivinen, Paula
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Kauppatieteen maisteriohjelma 2020-2023
- Kivinen, Paula
- City of Kokkola
- NOPEA - Alueen tarpeet ja uudet mahdollisuudet akateemiselle täydennys- ja tilauskoulutukselle
- Jokela, Anne
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Knowledge diffusion services KDS
- Kivinen, Paula
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Liiketoiminnan kehittämisen (KTM) maisteriohjelma
- Kivinen, Paula
- City of Kokkola
- Keskipohjalaisen strategiaosaamisen vahv
- Kivinen, Paula
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- EUBoost - boosting private sector EU-funding
- Aittola, Marko
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
- Activation of a knowledge cluster for the sustainable use of peatland
- Aittola, Marko
- Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
- MECCO - Methods of companionship and cooperation
- Kivinen, Paula
- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Central Finland
- Osaamistarpeesta kilpailutekijäksi työmarkkinoilla: kuntakokeilujen, yritysten ja yliopistojen ohjauksessa kohtautetaan koulutusta, työtä ja tekijät
- Kivinen, Paula
- Ministry of Education and Culture
- Tourism sector and regional co-learning experiments in Central Ostrobothnia
- Rosenqvist, Olli
- Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia