Leena Lindström

General description

I am a professor in experimental ecology.  My group studies invasion of invasive species to new areas with evolutionary ecology methods. I am also a leader of the department of biologican and environmental science (2022-2025).

Active JYU affiliations

Research interests

My group is interested in understanding how human induce evolutionary changes on biota and what role stress-induced variation plays in evolution. Currently our focus is to test whether pesticide selection can promote the invasion of pest species towards northern latitudes. We test the stress effects on invasive pest insect (the Colorado potato beetle) and in addition to insecticide stress we also study stress induced by herbicides and fungicides.

Fields of science

Follow-up groups

Personal keywords

ecology, evolutionary ecology, invasion biology

Projects as Principal investigator

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:14