Mikael Reponen


I am a staff scientist with expertise on laser development, laser ion sources,  and ultra sensitive methods for resoance ionizationation spectroscopy and mass measurements.

Aktiiviset JYU-affiliaatiot


My research contributes to the knowledge on the nuclear ground state properties of exotic nuclei, particularly in the immediate region near tin-100. In my research I utilize highly efficient and selective laser ion source coupled with a Penning trap or MR-ToF mass spectrometers to enable ultra-sensitive in-source resonance ionization spectroscopy and high-precision mass measurements. I am also involved in developing resonance ionization spectroscopy methods to bring very sensitive high-resolution laser spectroscopy capability to our laboratory.


Omat asiasanat

Laser, Ion sources, laser spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-23-09 klo 12:05