Valtteri Siitonen

General description

Valtteri Siitonen is a doctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä. Area of expertise include IT use, its impacts, technostress, and qualititative research methods.

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Research interests

Currently, I work on a research project "Software Developers’ Technostress and Work Productivity: Finding Ways to Manage Interruptions, Invasion, and Overload, flow experiences, and IT use, especially in the context of software development." The goal of my research is to advance the theory of technostress research and to find ways to minimize the negative effects of IT use in the organizational environment. My other areas of research focus on Smart and Conversational Technologies and Human-Computer Interaction.

Fields of science

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Personal keywords

Technostress; IT use; Human-computer interaction; Flow

Projects as Team Member

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:25