Joona Taipale

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General description

My research focuses on the foundations of social experience, with a particular emphasis on early and mid 20th century thinking. I have written extensively on the topics of selfhood and agency, empathy and interpersonal understanding, intentionality and the problem of other minds, and social recognition and the ethics of interpersonal encounter. My track record includes 60+ scientific articles, book chapters, edited books and journal volumes, including a book at Northwestern University Press.

As a researcher, I have always felt drawn to systematic questions and concrete everyday phenomena, and while embracing various philosophical perspectives (incl. phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of emotions, social philosophy), I have also integrated relevant theoretical insights from other disciplines (incl. developmental psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis). My broad and interdisciplinary experience has enabled me to operate, in research as well as in teaching, with an approach that explores and transcends disciplinary boundaries.

My interdisciplinary approach is visible also in my research projects. I am currently leading two. Focusing on the affective foundations of human interaction and interpersonal demarcation, these projects presently employ researchers from the fields of philosophy and psychology. The projects are generously funded by the Kone Foundation (success rate approx. 6%) and theAcademy of Finland (success rate approx. 14%) for 2022-2026. For more information, click here.

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:15