Heikki Hurskainen

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ORCID linkhttps://orcid.org/0009-0008-4478-1415

General description

I work as a university teacher in sport pedagogy at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. My teaching and expertise areas include, for instance, observation of physical activity and didactics in various learning environments. Alongside my teaching I am also writing a doctoral thesis on pre-service teachers' competence to teach physical education during primary and subject teacher education programs. 

Active JYU affiliations

Previous, inactive or other affiliations

Research interests

My research is focused mainly on physical education teacher education and competence of students studying to become physical education teachers or generalist teachers. I am especially interested in the teaching efficacy of primary school teacher students and overall physical education in primary school.

Fields of science

Personal keywords

Teaching efficacy, professional competence, teaching identity, physical education, primary school

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-20-05 at 02:46