Hanna-Mari Ikonen

General description

I am an Assistant Professor of Social Sciences of Sport. My work includes the examination of the administration and politics of sport, as well as the opportunities for active lifestyles of a diversified Finnish population.

I have studied the changes in working life and focused on where the changes originate and how they shape individuals' ways of working, worker subjectivities and meanings of work as part of the rest of life. In this framework, I have studied entrepreneurship and self-employment. Empirical subjects have been, for example, rural women entrepreneurs, young adults, those who turned their animal hobby into entrepreneurship, and "mumpreneurs". The socio-political issues of getting by are also my subject, especially in projects Working poor in the post-industrial welfare state and Care and concern in the coutryside. I am interesting in sports and physical activity in the wider contexts of wellbeing and equality. 

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Research interests

Social scientific research of work and the economy, e.g. in-work poverty, precarious work, self-employment, gender segregation in working life, reconciliation of work and other life, turning a hobby into a work. Maternity research.

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Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 21:17