Chiara Valentini


Chiara Valentini, Ph.D. in Organizational Communication and Public Relations (Jyväskylä University, 2008), is Professor and Head of the Corporate Communication Discipline, at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE), Finland. She holds an Adjunct Professorship in Strategic Communication, at IULM University, Milan, Italy where she teaches corporate public affairs.

Her primary research programs are in the areas of stakeholder management, crisis communication and conflict management, digital and social media, public relations/strategic communication, and public affairs/government communication. Dr. Valentini has been recognized as one of the leading European scholars in corporate communications and has won several awards for scholarship. She is the Finnish Academic Representative in the International Crisis Communication Think Thank.

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My research focus on understanding and studying stakeholder behaviors, attitudes and opinions resulting from strategic communication, public relations and corporate communications. I investigate both digital and live environments and I am particularly interesting in challenging situations, like conflicts, risks and crises.
My work is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in nature intersecting scholarship from public relations/strategic communication with management and organizational studies on the one hand, and, on the other, technology-mediated forms of communication.



Omat asiasanat

crisis, conflict, stakeholder relations, digital media, global issues, professionalisation


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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 21:17