Hannah Yoken

General description

Dr Hannah Kaarina Yoken is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of History and Ethnology at the University of Jyväskylä. She is currently working on the project “A Farewell to Arms”: Anti-Nuclear Protest, Emotion and Gender in Finland, 1979–1987. The project is funded by the Academy of Finland from 2022 to 2025. She is also the principal investigator of and Emil Aaltonen Foundation funded research project, which explores the gendered everyday histories of the Finnish publishing house Lehtimiehet ('Magazine Men'). The project is funded from 2024 to 2026, with Yoken working on the project in 2025–2026. She spent the spring of 2024 as a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development's Center for the History of Emotions.

Hannah's doctoral thesis (University of Glasgow, 2020) explored the transnational development of feminist activism in Finland, Sweden and Denmark from the 1960s into the 1990s. This research was funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council in doctoral training partnership with the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities (2016-2019) and by the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (2020). In 2018 Hannah was a visiting researcher at Stockholm University and the Swedish Labour Movement's Archives and Library. Prior to joining the University of Jyväskylä Yoken worked as an Ella & Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation funded postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Gender History and a lecturer in History at the University of Glasgow.

Yoken is the Chair of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN. She is also a member of the editorial boards of Lähihistoria – The Finnish Journal of Contemporary History and the Cultural History – Kulttuurihistoria -book series. In 2023 Yoken was elected as a member of Young Academy Finland. She is currently co-editing a collected volume covering methods in Finnish gender history and history of sexuality.

Active JYU affiliations

Previous, inactive or other affiliations

Research interests

In addition to gender history, my broad research interests include oral history, the history of emotions and media history.

Fields of science

Personal keywords

gender history; oral history; history of emotions; media history; social movement history; cultural history

Projects as Principal investigator

Publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-06-11 at 09:37