Literature review on remote rehabilitation: psychotherapy and remote rehabilitation and treatment methods (Kirjallisuuskatsaus etäkuntoutuksesta)

Main funder

Funder's project number33/26/2021

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 70 000,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/10/2021

Project end date31/12/2022


In light of the current research literature, both real-time remote psychotherapy and online therapy are effective and acceptable ways to provide empirically validated treatment to those who are otherwise left untreated. Since Stenberg’s review in 2016, a huge amount of research data has been added. In addition to efficacy, more information is needed on the cost-effectiveness of psychotherapies at the individual and societal level, the therapeutic relationship and the processes that affect therapy, in particular which processes are linked to treatment effectiveness. In addition, more research data is needed on which rehabilitation groups or forms of rehabilitation best benefit from the use of remote technology. It is also interesting to gain more information about the use of other technologies in the treatment of psychological problems, e.g. smartphone, VR technology. Empirical research is especially important for decision-makers in charge of psychological treatments and rehabilitation, as well as for rehabilitation professionals at different levels to support decision-making and practical actions. The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the effectiveness of psychotherapy and related remote rehabilitation and treatment methods in adults in relation to mental symptoms, health, functioning, ability to work, and quality of life. In addition, the aim is to look in more detail at what technologies and practices are used in remote rehabilitation studies, cost-effectiveness, the therapeutic ratio, which groups benefit from remotely administered psychotherapy, and which processes are related to treatment effectiveness. Because the potential of technology-enabled therapies can only be fully exploited if therapists or nursing staff make use of them (Ebert et al. 2018), the study will examine professionals ’attitudes toward technology-enabled psychotherapy and psychological therapies and whether there has been a change in professionals’ attitudes in recent years.

Principal Investigator

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Last updated on 2023-30-01 at 15:16