Task based e-teaching and e-learning of languages (LINGUA-DIG)

Main funder

Funder's project number2020-1-FR01-KA226-HE-095410

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 32 172,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/05/2021

Project end date30/04/2023


The project addresses the significant need for language teachers to receive training on how to teach with technologies. Although the number of training courses in this field has increased in recent months, the offer often focuses on specific digital tools or is limited to set activities aimed at developing a particular language skill.
However, recent studies, carried out - among others - by project partners, show that teachers do feel a need for PEDAGOGICAL training in the field of digital language education. Furthermore, in the usual (face-to-face) context, teachers generally use technology either for course preparation or for sharing resources in class. Teachers are therefore lacking in digital skills when it comes to teaching entirely or partially (hybrid mode) online.
The project will provide two training modules specifically aimed at language teachers which will show them how to design and implement (online or in hybrid mode) task-based language learning units that incorporate the use of digital technology.
- The first module will enable language teachers and their trainers to familiarise themselves with our approach (namely the socio-interactional approach) and with real-world tasks. This perspective is in line with the action-oriented approach and further extends the typology of tasks established by the European Framework of Reference for Languages and by specialists in applied linguistics. These tasks are carried out on participative and collaborative sites and allow learners to experience authentic communication including socio-interactional constraints, all the while developing their language and (inter)cultural competences as well as their digital literacy/citizenship and a critical perspective on the use of digital technology.
- The second module will provide training in the design and implementation of tasks, including real-world tasks. The focus will be placed on pedagogical considerations when using a limited number of (free and open access) key digital tools.
This section will be complemented by a set of task-based learning units for levels A1 to B2 in the following languages: English, German and French. These units will illustrate what is presented in the training modules and will be concrete examples of tasks with scenarios for their implementation online or in hybrid mode. They will particularly address the need of teachers who are looking for pedagogical units, which can be easily adapted to their own teaching context.
Finally, in order to directly address the needs of language learners, the project will also include a guide showing them how they can contribute to participatory websites in the target language. It will highlight how this communication experience can help them to develop their language skills as well as their digital literacy and citizenship.
The target audience for the project includes the following groups:
- higher education and secondary school language teachers,
- (university) trainers of language teachers, who will be able to incorporate the project training modules in their own training content,
- language learners at university or secondary school levels.
It aims at promoting innovative practices for language teaching and learning through the relevant use of digital technology, as well as supporting learners and teachers in developing their digital literacy.
The short-term impact of the project is skill development and enhanced autonomy amongst language teachers and their trainers. For learners, it aims at supporting the development of their autonomy, language and (inter)cultural skills as well as their digital literacy/citizenship. In the medium term, it aims at improving the quality of the language teaching and learning delivered online or in a hybrid mode.
The project brings together specialists from various European institutions who will work collaboratively. They include researchers and practitioners in the field of language pedagogy and Applied Linguistics who are experts in task-based approaches, the use of digital technology for language teaching and learning, digital literacy/citizenship, language teacher training and language teaching and learning in higher education (in the context of language centres in particular) and at secondary school level. The project will be based on a critical and responsible use of digital technology, which will also be advocated in the training modules for teachers and the learner guide. All the intellectual outputs of the project will be the product of online and face-to-face collaboration between all the partners, each bringing their specific and complementary skills and knowledge.
All the project outputs will be freely accessible in the form of open educational resources, in digital formats allowing for a high level of interoperability to ensure that the project is sustainable, widely used, and adaptable to various contexts (in L1 teaching and learning for example).

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 13:01