Nuclear structure studies by mass spectrometry of thermalized exotic isotopes (-)
Main funder
Funder's project number: 347509
Funds granted by main funder (€)
- 17 723,00
Funding program
Project timetable
Project start date: 16/02/2022
Project end date: 31/08/2024
In this Finnish-German cooperation project, we will explore exotic isotopes using mass spectrometry at the JYFL-ACCLAB Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Jyväskylä and at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Germany. The project will yield data on nuclear structure, nuclear properties and fundamental interactions in nuclei. This information can be used for testing of various nuclear models and for astrophysical calculations modelling the production of heaviest elements e.g. in binary neutron-star mergers. The cooperation project will utilise complementary methods and state-of-the-art instruments at JYFL-ACCLAB and GSI to achieve the research objectives. The project will enhance knowledge exchange between the research groups and produce joint publications. Early-career researchers will gain valuable learning and working experience from another accelerator laboratory.
Principal Investigator
Primary responsible unit
Follow-up groups
Profiling area: Accelerator and Subatomic Physics (University of Jyväskylä JYU)