Grant topic: Influencing factors and firm growth: what is still needed to be known

Main funder

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 10 000,00

Project timetable

Project start date01/01/2021

Project end date31/12/2021


It is expected to produce three scientific papers within the duration of my doctoral studies. This grant application is expected to cover only doctoral salary in order to support my PhD research during my second year of studies (academic year 2021). Thus, this research plan focuses on research developments during mentioned period of time and explains only two developing articles.

 First paper developed is a systematic literature review (SLR) study. The aim is to review available evidence and outline agenda for later research. The paper outlines the factors that influence the switch between different growth modes as a company evolves. Preliminary title: Factors influencing the change of growth modes: A Systematic Review and Future Research.

 Second paper developed is a longitudinal survey-based study dedicated to analyzing the interplay between companies’ growth willingness and actual growth performance. The purpose of this paper is to test the endogeneity of growth motivation. Several firm motivational factors affecting firm growth through the constructs of willingness to growth and growth aspirations are addressed in this empirical paper. The study tries to answer whether there is a reciprocal causation between willingness to grow and actual growth, or if it is a result of unmodeled exogeneous variable? Preliminary title: Which comes first motivation or growth – testing the endogeneity of growth motivation.

Principal Investigator

Primary responsible unit

Last updated on 2024-21-03 at 15:36