Business Model innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems

Main funder

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 100 000,00

Project timetable

Project start date01/01/2023

Project end date31/12/2024


During the project, we collect interview data from several business accelerators and follow the companies that they involve using both interviews and survey research methods. Through our networks, we have already secured the cooperation and dataset from one accelerator and are in talks with other potential partners. Because of the close links to the accelerators – including board or advisory board positions in two -, the project has the potential to directly contribute to how the accelerators are run. Additionally, we will benchmark accelerators in at least two other countries and deliver the results back to the Finnish accelerators who participate in the project.
The topic is generally interesting for two reasons. First, while most accelerators are certainly useful, research has shown that they often operate on a regional mindset and lack internationalization paths for many of the participating companies. Second, the Finnish business ecosystem has generally fared well in international comparisons when it comes to innovativeness. Yet, this innovativeness does not translate to economic output at the same rate as in many comparison countries. We hypothesize that insufficient attention to business model innovation maybe provide an explanation for these effects. This is what we want to study.

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Last updated on 2025-10-01 at 07:09