gH2ADDVA - Added Value through new, green hydrogen technologies for energy production,
transfer and utilization

Main funder

Funder's project numberJ10358

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 156 906,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/01/2024

Project end date30/06/2026


In the Central Finland region, there is both a need and know-how to increase energy self-
sufficiency and develop hydrogen technology in energy production. The gH2ADDVA project
creates novelty and added value by highlighting expertise in hydrogen technology in Central
Finland and by creating new ways of working between companies, communities and universities
utilizing hydrogen in the region. The implementation will make use of an extensive partnership
network, so that the target groups of the project will benefit from the results and increased
The four main objectives of the project are:
1) New, efficient electrolysis and bio-based production, storage, and use of green hydrogen.
2) New material technology solutions related to renewable green energy production and its use.
3) The digital twins (DTs) created from the processes and their interconnection enable analysis
of the value chain and overall optimisation of hydrogen production produced with green energy.
4) Hydrogen technology-related RDI and business networking and interface development
between research institutes (Jamk and JYU) and the SME sector.
The project investigates the economic viability of electrolysis hydrogen and compares it with
other hydrogen production methods. At the same time, the methods of producing biomass-
based hydrogen and their economy will be examined. In addition, the foundation is being laid for
a business concept that combines wind turbines, hydrogen production and biogas production
based on field biomass.
The project also examines the potential for the use of hydrogen as an energy source and energy
transfer in various applications. One important area here is the hydrogen fragility of materials:
results on the basic mechanisms and control methods of hydrogen fragility can help to better
develop hydrogen-resistant structures and materials, which is particularly important for the safe
storage and transport of hydrogen. The goal is to find new, long-lasting material and surface
technology solutions for green energy production and hydrogen storage. In addition, the project
will focus on digital solutions to analyse the efficiency of hydrogen technology applications and
green energy production.
The project produces information and solutions that promote the development of hydrogen
technology, its wider use in various applications and the production and storage of green
energy in Finland. For its part, the project will increase the visibility of the know-how of the of
hydrogen technologies in research institutes and companies in the Central Finland region and
the expertise of the related renewable industry ecosystem both nationally and internationally.
The project also supports the networking of SMEs in the Central Finland region in larger scale
and thus the growth of business opportunities and competence of the target group, 30% of the
project's funding will be allocated to the region of Northern Central Finland.
The project will carry out several studies to gain a greater understanding of the value chains of
renewable energy and their potential for utilisation, the economy of electrolysis hydrogen use,
the mechanisms of hydrogen fragility and hydrogen storage and use materials, and the most
potential economy of the carrier and their use. A study of the applicable hydrogen economy,
an action plan to highlight the hydrogen economy, and a comprehensive survey of SMEs with
business potential in hydrogen technology in Central Finland all contribute to the growth of
the region's awareness. Based on the studies, a report will be published to investigate the
regional utilisation of new technological solutions related to renewable energy in the production
of hydrogen.

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Profiling areaAccelerator and Subatomic Physics (University of Jyväskylä JYU)Nanoscience Center (Department of Physics PHYS, JYFL) (Faculty of Mathematics and Science) (Department of Chemistry CHEM) (Department of Biological and Environmental Science BIOENV) NSC

Last updated on 2024-16-01 at 12:18