Addressing PRiorities of Evaluated Nuclear Data in Europe (APRENDE )

Main funder

Funder's project number101164596

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 46 750,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/10/2024

Project end date30/09/2028


The APRENDE proposal aims at reviewing the state of nuclear data libraries and computer simulation tools, by addressing nuclear data priorities and providing a strategic view at the European level; providing accurate nuclear data for neutron or charged particles induced reactions cross-sections, decay and structure data for different nuclear energy and non-energy applications; supporting the access to key experimental infrastructures; preserving the know-how in computer applications, nuclear data evaluation, validation of data and models, and to improve education & training and knowledge sharing.
The project has several subprojects and 32 partners (+2 associated partners).
Within the project, IGISOL group will develop neutron induced fission product yield measuring techniques in collaboration with Uppsala Univertsity, subproject internally called "NONII".

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Profiling areaAccelerator and Subatomic Physics (University of Jyväskylä JYU)

Last updated on 2024-30-10 at 07:58