Enhancing Resilience and Well-being of All Students in Primary Schools (WellbeingInSchools)
Main funder
Funder's project number: 2024-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000245017
Funds granted by main funder (€)
- 80 020,00
Funding program
Project timetable
Project start date: 01/11/2024
Project end date: 31/10/2027
The main goal of the WellbeingInSchools project is to enhance the overall social and emotional well-being and resilience of students and teachers by implementing Mindfulness-Based Intervention practices in primary schools in five European
countries (CZ, EL, SK, IE, FI).
countries (CZ, EL, SK, IE, FI).
Principal Investigator
Primary responsible unit
Follow-up groups
Profiling area: Digitalization in and for learning and interaction (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.LearnDigi; School of Wellbeing (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.Well