Encouraging a digital and Green transition through Revitalised and inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations (EGRUiEN)
Main funder
Funder's project number: 101178146
Funds granted by main funder (€)
- 487 798,75
Funding program
Project timetable
Project start date: 01/01/2025
Project end date: 31/12/2028
EGRUEN is a multi-disciplinary and multi-level research project providing an original and comprehensive analysis of the ability of Europe’s social dialogue institutions to navigate the labour market transformations resulting from the ongoing green and digital transitions, to protect workers within (or from) non-standard forms of employment and ensure socially and economically just outcomes. The project will provide new and integrated understanding of the previously unexplored links between fundamental economic disruptions, and the institutional design of social dialogue institutions. In this way, we aspire to give scientifically based guidance on how social dialogue institutions can be designed to guide societies through fundamental transformations, including the rise of new sectors, and the growth of new forms of work. While there are multiple and continuously evolving transformations in the world of work, EGRUEN aims to study two critical macro labour market transformations, the green transition (decarbonization) and technological change (digitalisation and automation). We will look at how workers, employers and the state – as well as other social actors – negotiate the growth of new forms of non-standard work, such as temporary employment, platform work, and zero hour contracts, with the goal of preserving, optimizing, or building strong social dialogue institutions capable of producing social just outcomes in a period of rapid transformation.
EGRUEN addresses the question: What forms and institutions of social dialogue are needed to facilitate the current comprehensive economic transition, in a socially just manner?
EGRUEN addresses the question: What forms and institutions of social dialogue are needed to facilitate the current comprehensive economic transition, in a socially just manner?
Principal Investigator
Other persons related to this project (JYU)
Contact person (yes/no): Yes |