SEED - Solid value of digitalisation in forest industry (SEED)

Main funder

Funder's project number4342/31/2019

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 132 000,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/09/2019

Project end date28/02/2022


The forest industry is a key cornerstone of Finnish economy. Its’ capability to meet the future global competitiveness needs is critical. At the same time Finland is one of the countries in the EU having the most advanced digital economies and it has the strongest digital assets. Taking the advantage of digitalization in industrial sectors has a huge potential for industry transformation and the IT sector itself. The forest industry facing productivity improvement and competitiveness challenges can and must benefit from the digitalization in many ways: creating and utilizing new disruptive data based business models with ecosystem players in service and production processes as well as in material supply and sales, improving operational excellence in production and service operations as well as asset management over the whole lifecycle of production line investments, developing management models, work processes and tools to support work, to name a few. Impact of novel digital solutions can be spread globally in Finnish companies and also it can strengthen the propability for new production and production upgrade investments in Finland. and competitiveness challenges can and must benefit from the digitalization in many ways: creating and utilizing new disruptive data based business models with ecosystem players in service and production processes as well as in material supply and sales, improving operational excellence in production and service operations as well as asset management over the whole lifecycle of production line investments, developing management models, work processes and tools to support work, to name a few. Impact of novel digital solutions can be spread globally in Finnish companies and also it can strengthen the propability for new production and production upgrade investments in Finland.

In this project JY is responsible for tacit knowledge processing and it develops cognitive mimetics as a means to manage tacit knowledge.

Principal Investigator

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Related publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2023-01-11 at 11:31